Tuesday, September 28, 2010

...::Race Butts Heads With Technology

The "face-recognition software" in the video below is supposed to make the camera follow you as you move. The software works with a white face, but not a Black face...

How could this have happened? It is possible that the software developers only used white folx as models when they were developing the software-- Bleep! No excuse!! That might explain >how< it happened, but it is no excuse for not including people of all colors as models as the software was developed.

As I have said before, technology, including the Internet, will not bring an end to racism, but can expand it. See the "technology" link below for more.

Monday, September 20, 2010

...::So You Think Break-Dancing Is New...

Wanna see the connection between break-dancing, voguing, tap dance and traditional Afrikan dance? Look here.

Only thing missing is sisters whooping in church...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

...::This Time, A Black >Female< Is Accused Of A White Crime

Acid-faced accuser
We all know too too many times when innocent Black males have been accused of horrible crimes knowingly committed by the white accusers themselves. Well, that disease is now spreading. This is the first time that I know of, where a Black female has been accused of such a crime. In Washington state, a white woman threw acid on her own face [above] for some unknown reason, then accused a Black woman of doing it.

Hmmmm. I wonder.... how big is this trend? A trend where whites knowingly accuse innocent Blacks [or non-existent Blacks] of crimes that they themselves commit?

As another blogger wrote, "It worked for Charles Stuart when he gunned down his pregnant wife, shot himself and blamed it on a black mugger; it worked for Susan Smith when she drowned her two kids and blamed it on a black carjacker; and it worked for Ashley Todd when she said a Black supporter of Barack Obama carved a "B" on her cheek." And here is a slide show of even more examples.

And how old is this trend? Don't get me started: We could start back in slavery, where a white man would accuse a slave of raping his daughter, when the rape was actually done by the father himself....

...::Actress Gabourey Sidibe in Elle: Light, Bright and Damn Near White

If somebody tries to tell you that white supremacy does not exist or is only in the past, show them the current Elle magazine